• Question: do you believe in aliens??

    Asked by sophtheloaf to Debbie, Glyn, Jon, Kat, Nicola on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Glyn Barrett

      Glyn Barrett answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Not that I can say for a fact that there are aliens out there… but it is very possible as the universe is so so big that life in some form may have come about.
      In biology there is such a thing called Convergent Evolution which means that two or more things which are very similar to each other yet independent happened at some time. Like koalas in australia! they also have fingerprints but koalas are very different from humans.

      So maybe convergent life happened somewhere in the universe making aliens.

    • Photo: Jonathan Stone

      Jonathan Stone answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Interesting question! I am not sure really. My friend (who studies this) says that because the universe is so big…with so many planets that could support life…then surely there must be something else out there. But I think that the universe is so big…we might never find out!

    • Photo: Nicola Fletcher

      Nicola Fletcher answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yes definitely….even if they are only simple creatures like bacteria. I think the universe is so vast that there must be life out there on other planets.

    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yeah I do, there are so many planets out there, so much change and opportunity that I think we can’t be the only planet to have evolved life.

    • Photo: Kathryn McMahon

      Kathryn McMahon answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Yes, in that I think there are probably other lifeforms out there somewhere in the universe. I don’t believe in the little green man type of aliens though (and this is despite watching all of the x-files).
