• Question: do you have to go to collage to learn more about science ?

    Asked by cw56333w13 to Debbie, Glyn, Jon, Kat, Nicola on 8 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Glyn Barrett

      Glyn Barrett answered on 8 Mar 2013:

      Well there are 2 main ways to learn about science.
      The first of course is the academic route – GCSEs, A levels, university and beyond.
      The second can be self taught – pick up a science book or watch TV programmes (amazing BBC David Attenborough series for life sciences and biology or Brian Cox for physics) or go on the internet.
      So it just depends what you want to do with your science knowledge and how you want to apply it. If you want to work in a laboratory you will probably have to go the more academic route but if you’re just interested then there are many many good ways to learn.
      The good thing about science is that you are constantly learning new things – even the nerdiest professor can’t possibly know everything! Science is really about observing and sharing knowledge of cool things you find so it’s great

    • Photo: Jonathan Stone

      Jonathan Stone answered on 8 Mar 2013:

      The short answer is no – you could just learn science using google. However…college is probably the easiest and quickest way to learn about science when you are young.

    • Photo: Kathryn McMahon

      Kathryn McMahon answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      No. you can learn about science from all sorts of places – books, television, magazines, museums. I learnt a lot about genetics from reading Jurassic Park as a teenager! If you want to work in science, it helps to go to college as you need a degree if you want to become a qualified scientist. However, you can work in a laboratory as a technician without a degree.

    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Nope not at all! Science is all around us from T.V. shows to science museums, you can certainly learn a lot about science from college and university but you can learn lots more by watching the sky at night and things like Dara O’Briains science club.

      I’ve always found that the things that I learn best and quickest are the things I’ve found interesting and fun that’s why I took Marine Biology I love learning about the sea – but I’ve learned loads from watching David Attenborough as well.

    • Photo: Nicola Fletcher

      Nicola Fletcher answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I think you can learn science from lots of places…TV, internet, college, books. Even though I am a scientist and I learned about viruses from going to college, I learn loads of science from other places. I’ve learned loads from watching David Attenborough and also just from looking on the internet for cool facts about science. For example, I learned on the internet recently that there is a virus that turns insects bright blue! This makes them easier for birds to see, and they then eat the insects which helps to spread the virus around!
