• Question: Do you want to study any other scientific topics in your future life?

    Asked by u11smithera to Debbie, Glyn, Jon, Kat, Nicola on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I would love to go back to Uni and do another degree in engineering – so I could make some of the machines that can study the deep sea as well as studying the animals there!

    • Photo: Glyn Barrett

      Glyn Barrett answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I would really like to study more marine biology as I am fascinated by the ocean and love scuba diving. I really would like to work for the British Antarctic Survey and do work on the some of the animal sea creatures down there like Krill and things. So maybe if I can get the chance I will be able to! I can always find out most of what I want to know from books and the internet but its so much more fun to do the work yourself and see things with your own eyes.

    • Photo: Jonathan Stone

      Jonathan Stone answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I am really interested in earthquakes, but don’t do any work on them at the moment. However, my wife is a structural engineer who specialises in designing earthquake resistant buildings – so hopefully I can do some work with her in the future!

    • Photo: Nicola Fletcher

      Nicola Fletcher answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I think I will always want to work with viruses. But something that I would really love to do in the future is work with some very interesting and dangerous viruses called Lassa and Ebola. If you’ve ever seen the film ‘Outbreak’ you will have some idea of what they are like. If you want to study them you have to basically put on a space suit and then take a disinfectant shower before you go into the lab. Because not many people have labs like that, not much research has been done on them. But I think they are so interesting and because they are difficult to work with, not very much is known about how they kill people.

    • Photo: Kathryn McMahon

      Kathryn McMahon answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I’m with Debbie – I’d love to know more about engineering. In my spare time, I like to go and visit old factories and railway museums, and I’d love to know more about how they work. I’m also really interested in identifying plants and insects, and if I had lots of money and free time, I’d love to go on a plant hunting trip to identify new species in somewhere like the Amazon.
      For my work, I’d like to know more about biochemistry and how the inside of the cell works, as this is something I am not really an expert in.
