• Question: how deep do you think water goes?

    Asked by idontwanttobehere to Debbie on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      The deepest point on earth is in the Mariana trench at the bottom of what is known as the challenger deep which is 10911m deep or 6.831 miles below the surface give or take about 40meters. This is found off shore between Japan, the Philippines and Papa New Guinea in the Pacific ocean.

      To put it into perspective you could put Mount Everest at the bottom of the Challenger deep and there would still be another mile of water on top of it before you reached the surface!

      Only 3 people have ever gone to the bottom of challenger deep the first trip was completed by Don Walsh and Jaques Piccard in 1960 in a bathyscaphe (a free diving submersible) called the Trieste. It was amazing that they made it at all – when looking out the glass windows of the Bathyscaphe the two explorers thought they could see an oily substance in the water – what they were actually seeing was the glass melting under the pressure of the deep sea – if they had stayed any longer the windows would have broke and they would have been crushed!

      Since this first trip there has only ever been one other manned trip to the challenger deep and it was made by film director James Cameron just last year in his submersible named the Deepsea Challenger!
