• Question: The brain is a very important part of life, have you ever wondered if there will ever be a way if a brain got Hepatitis to replace like an organ downer?

    Asked by u11bradshawt to Nicola, Debbie on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Nicola Fletcher

      Nicola Fletcher answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      That’s a really great question and one I think about a lot!! It’s so funny to me how you can get a heart transplant or a liver transplant but not a brain transplant. Why is that? If you get a brain tumour you can’t just get a brain transplant to replace your old brain. I guess it’s like you said, the brain is what makes us individuals, and is probably the most important organ in the body. I would love to jump ahead 500 years to see if they find a way to replace brains that have viruses or tumours in them. I suppose I will never know!
