• Question: what happens if you stand ona active or inactive volcano? How far have you seen the lava spread from a volcano

    Asked by joshthebabe69 to Debbie, Glyn, Jon, Kat, Nicola on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jonathan Stone

      Jonathan Stone answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Josh, it all depends on whether or not it is currently erupting, and how big the eruption is. Some volcanoes you can get very close to when they are erupting, but some you would only want to see on TV. Other than that, volcanoes are like most other mountains.

    • Photo: Glyn Barrett

      Glyn Barrett answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Wow! I wish I could see lava spreading out of a volcano!
      I once stood on top of a volcano in Indonesia called Gunung Rinjani. There was lots of steam coming out the top and sides but no lava :o(

    • Photo: Kathryn McMahon

      Kathryn McMahon answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      A volcano question i can answer! I have stood on an active volcano in Hawaii. You had to be very careful where you stood, so you didn’t go through the crust into hot lava. It was very hot and dry, but I did see at least one tree growing there! You could see where all the lava had spread across the roads and into the sea, it was pretty cool.
