• Question: what is the most genetically complicated fish you have found/seen.

    Asked by madsniper to Debbie on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      This is a briliant question and one I have to admit I don’t know the answer to, I think the most genetically interesting fish, however, is the Zebrafish.

      Zebrafish are used very commonly in genetic experiments because they are a model biological system and have been involved in the progress of many scientific fields including cancer research, genetics and stem cell work.

      But what makes this little fish so special?

      Zebrafish can regenerate (grow back) their, fins, skin, heart and while in the larval stage can even regenerate their brains. They also react to toxins the same way that mammals do, and mutant strains of zebrafish can be easily created to work with.

      It is a very important little fish.
