• Question: What was it like seeing the coral reef in Fiji?

    Asked by veryvexatious to Debbie on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Debbie Crockard

      Debbie Crockard answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Completely overwhelming! The reefs are stunning and the Island I was on had two; a fringing reef which is quite close to shore and rings the island and a barrier reef further out. The fish were stunning shades every colour of the rainbow and completely unphased by us swimming through them. I’m a bit of a shark fan so swimming with them was a highlight but I was also lucky enough to swim with a manta ray shoal – there were about 20 of them all about 2-4meters across it was amazing – they are like birds soaring through the water – completely graceful.

      What made the trip so special though was the Fijian people I have never been anywhere else where the people are so open and adopt you into their homes straight away. An amazing magical place.
